Massimo Caruso online Gallery
This collection of works is a documentation, and definitive proof of the type of art produced by Massimo Caruso, and also a valuable indication of the development of his art from its origins. Like the alchemist’s discipline, concerned with the transformation of the fire of ‘athanor’, which leads to a process of evolution and inner growth, the complicated development of Massimo Caruso’s pictorial technique proceeds alongside his spiritual evolution.
Portraits, seascapes, landscapes are all the result of a personal language, liberated from both over-elaboration and stylistic immobility, which has rediscovered the secret of expression through colour. The surgical precision of the draftsman develops into dense and meaningful colour as the work of art appears, as if predestined, on the white canvas.
Sometimes this language through liberating the power of the subconscious, reaches a cognitive state which transcends visible reality. At other times the cromatic contrasts of his Abstract and Informal art, free the artist from reproducing objective themes and instead communicate the complex sentiments which move his spirit.